Informacion Del Paciente

    Bienvenidos a nuestra officina. Para que sea possible ayudarlo a presentar sus formularios de seguro de salud, por favor proporcione la información solicitada a continuación. Toda la información es confidencial.

    Rellene este campo solo si usted NO es el Responsable de la Poliza Seguro:

    Informacion de Farmacia

    Información Del Paciente

    Para las siguientes preguntas, marque SÍ o NO, según corresponda. Sus respuestas son para nuestros registros solamente y se mantendrán confidenciales.

    1. Esta en Buena salud general?

    2. Han habido cambios en su salud el ultimo ano?

    4. Esta bajo cuidado de un doctor medico?

    Si es asi, porque condicion?

    6. Ha tenido alguna enfermedad grave, operacion o la hospitalizacion en los ultimos 5 anos?

    7. Ha tenido un reemplazo de articulacion artificial (rodilla, cadera, hombro, etc.)?

    8. Esta tomando o ha tomado bisfosfonatos para la osteoporosis o quimioterapia para el mieloma multiple o de otros tipos de cancer (Reclast, Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Acedia or Zometa)?

    9. Esta tomando algun medicamento (s) incluyendo pastillas para adelgazar, sin receta, vitaminas, remedios homeopaticos o naturales?

    a. Las valvulas danadas del corazon, las valvas artificiales o soplo en el corazon

    b. Enfermedad Reumatica de Corazon

    c. Problemas de corazon, ataque cardiaco, angina de pecho, presion arterial alta, derrame celebral, arteriorsclerosis o cualquier otra condicion de corazon

    1. Dolor en el pecho cuando hace algun esfuerzo?

    2. Dificultad para respirar despues de hacer ejercicio suave?

    3. Se le hinchan los tobillos?

    d. Allergias

    e. Sinusitis

    f. Asma o fiebre del heno

    g. Desmayos o convulsiones

    h. Diabetes

    i. Hepatitis, istericia o enfermedad hepatica

    j. Llagas frequentes o recurrentes en la boca

    k. Problemas de la tiroides

    l. Problemas respiratorios, enfesima, bronquitis, etc.

    m. Artritis o dolor en las articulaciones, hin chazon incluyedo articulacion de la mandibula

    n. Osteoporosis

    o. Ulcera estomacal o hiperacidez

    p. Problema de rinon

    q. Tuberculosis

    r. Tos persistente o que produce sangre

    s. Glandulas del cuello hinchadas

    t. Presion alterial baja

    u. Epilepsia u otro transforno neurologico

    v. Cancer

    w. Cualquier enfermedad, drogas, u operacion que ha deprimido el sistema inmunologico

    11. Ha tenido sangrado anormal?

    a. Alguna vez a requerido una transfusion de sangre?

    12. Tiene algun transtorno de la sangre como la anemia

    13. Alguna vez ha recibido tratamiento por un tumor o crecimiento?

    14. Ha recibido radioterapia en la cabeza, cuello o mandibula?

    a. Anastesia local

    b. Penicillina o antibioticos

    C. Drogas de Sulfa

    d. Barbituricos o pastillas para dormir

    e. Aspirina

    f. Yodo

    g. Codeina o otros narcoticos

    h. Latex o productos de caucho

    i. Otros

    16. Ha tenido problemas serios asociados con un tratamiento dental previo?

    17. tiene cualquier otra condicion o enfermedad que usted cree que el modico debe saber?

    18. Fuma o mastico tabaco?

    19. Hay antecedentes de dependencia de alcohol o sustancias quimicas o trastornos emocional que puedan afectar el cuidado que le proporcionamos?

    20. Desea hablar con el medico en privado de algo?


    21. Esta embarazada o tratando de quedar embarazada

    22. Tiene problemas relacionados con su period mensual?

    23. Esta amantando?

    24. Esta tomado pastillas anticonceptivas?

    Politica Financiera

    Nos complace darle la bienvenida a nuestra oficina. Con el fin de ayudarle a haver los pagos para su tratamiento, ofrecemos las siguientes opciones. Por favor, lea con cuidado y no dude en hablar de ellas con nosotros.

    PAGO: Aceptamos todas las tarjetas de credito y efectivo.

    SI USTED NO TIENE SEGURO: El pago se debe en su totalidad antes de empezar el tratamiento.

    SI USTED ESTA ASEGURADO: Enviaremos el formulario a la compania de seguros por Usted. Usted es responsable por cualquier deductible o co-pago NO cubierto por la compania de seguros. Una vez nuestra officina haya recibido el pago de la compania de seguros, se le facturara, con 30 dias de plazo, cualquier balance que aun este pendiente. Si existe un credito en su cuenta, puede solicitar que el credito se aplique en un trabajo dental futuro, o un cheque sera emitido a usted.

    SEGURO SE PACIENTES POR FAVOR LEA ATTENTAMENTE: la cantidad de cobertura pagada por la compania de seguros puede basarse en horario de tarifa reducida propia de su compania de seguros para el tratamiento y puede ser inferior a los cargos reales que resulta en una menor cobertura para usted. No tenemos control sobre esta situacion. Un pago mas bajo es elresultado directo del plan seleccionado por su empleador. Tenga en cuenta, NO PODEMOS RENUNCIAR AL CO-PAGO. Estamos obligados por ley a cobrar el co-pago.

    CONSENTIMIENTO FINANCIERO: Yo certifico que he leido y he entendido la politica financiera, y que si aplica a mi y a mis dependientes.

    Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information

    This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully!

    With your consent, the practice is permitted by federal privacy laws to make uses and disclosures of your health information for purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations. Protected health information is the information we create and obtain in providing our services to you. Such information may include documenting your symptoms, examination and test results, diagnoses, treatment, and applying for future care or treatment. It also includes billing documents for those services.

    Example of uses of your health information for treatment purposes:
    A nurse obtains treatment information about you and records it in a health record. During the course of your treatment, the doctor determines a need to consult with another specialist in the area. The doctor will share the information with such specialist and obtain input.

    Example of use of your health information for payment purposes:
    We submit a request for payment to your health insurance company. The health insurance company requests information from us regarding medical care given. We will provide information to them about you and the care given

    Example of Use of Your Information for Health Care Operations:
    We obtain services from our insurers or other business associates such as quality assessment, quality improvement, outcome evaluation, protocol and clinical guidelines development, training programs, credentialing, medical review, legal services, and insurance. We will share information about you with such insurers or other business associates as necessary to obtain these services.

    Your Health Information Rights:
    The health record we maintain and billing records are the physical property of the practice. The information in it, however, belongs to you. You have a right to:

    • Request a restriction on certain uses and disclosures of your health information by delivering the request in writing to our office. We are not required to grant the request but we will comply with any request granted;

    • Request that you be allowed to inspect and copy your health record and billing record—you may exercise this right by delivering the request in writing to our office;

    • Appeal a denial of access to your protected health information except in certain circumstances;

    • Request that your health care record be amended to correct incomplete or incorrect information by delivering a written request to our office;

    • File a statement of disagreement if your amendment is denied, and require that the request for amendment and any denial be attached in all future disclosures of your protected health information;

    • Obtain an accounting of disclosures of your health information as required to be maintained by law by delivering a written request to our office. An accounting will not include internal uses of information for treatment, payment, or operations, disclosures made to you or made at your request, or disclosures made to family members or friends in the course of providing care;

    • Request that communication of your health information be made by alternative means or at an alternative location by delivering the request in writing to our office;

    • Revoke authorizations that you made previously to use or disclose information except to the extent information or action has already been taken by delivering a written revocation to our office.

    If you want to exercise any of the above rights, please contact Karen Hernandez at 718-899-7811, in person or in writing, during normal hours. She will provide you with assistance on the steps to take to exercise your rights.

    Our Responsibilities
    The practice is required to:

    • Maintain the privacy of your health information as required by law;

    • Provide you with a notice of our duties and privacy practices as to the information we collect and maintain about you;

    • Abide by the terms of this Notice;

    • Notify you if we cannot accommodate a requested restriction or request;

    • Accommodate your reasonable requests regarding methods to communicate health information with you.

    We reserve the right to amend, change, or eliminate provisions in our privacy practices and access practices and to enact new provisions regarding the protected health information we maintain. If our information practices change, we will amend our Notice. You are entitled to receive a revised copy of the Notice by calling and requesting a copy of our "Notice" or by visiting our office and picking up a copy.

    To Request Information or File a Complaint
    If you have questions, would like additional information, or want to report a problem regarding the handling of your information, you may contact us at 718-899-7811.

    Additionally, if you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a written complaint at our office by delivering the written complaint to NYC Oral Surgery. You may also file a complaint by mailing it or emailing it to the Secretary of Health and Human Services whose street address and phone number is 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278.

    • We cannot, and will not, require you to waive the right to file a complaint with the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) as a condition of receiving treatment from the practice.

    • We cannot, and will not, retaliate against you for filing a complaint with the Secretary.

    Other Disclosures and Uses

    Unless you object, we may use or disclose your protected health information to notify, or assist in notifying, a family member, personal representative, or other person responsible for your care, about your location, and about your general condition, or your death.

    Communication with Family
    Using our best judgment, we may disclose to a family member, other relative, close personal friend, or any other person you identify, health information relevant to that person's involvement in your care or in payment for such care if you do not object or in an emergency.

    Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    We may disclose to the FDA your protected health information relating to adverse events with respect to products and product defects, or post-marketing surveillance information to enable product recalls, repairs, or replacements.

    Workers Compensation
    If you are seeking compensation through Workers Compensation, we may disclose your protected health information to the extent necessary to comply with laws relating to Workers Compensation.

    Public Health
    As required by law, we may disclose your protected health information to public health or legal authorities charged with preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability.

    Abuse & Neglect
    We may disclose your protected health information to public authorities as allowed by law to report abuse or neglect.

    Correctional Institutions
    If you are an inmate of a correctional institution, we may disclose to the institution, or its agents, your protected health information necessary for your health and the health and safety of other individuals.

    Law Enforcement
    We may disclose your protected health information for law enforcement purposes as required by law, such as when required by a court order, or in cases involving felony prosecutions, or to the extent an individual is in the custody of law enforcement.

    Health Oversight
    Federal law allows us to release your protected health information to appropriate health oversight agencies or for health oversight activities.

    Judicial/Administrative Proceedings
    We may disclose your protected health information in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding as allowed or required by law, with your consent, or as directed by a proper court order.

    Other Uses
    Other uses and disclosures besides those identified in this Notice will be made only as otherwise authorized by law or with your written authorization and you may revoke the authorization as previously provided.

    If we maintain a website that provides information about our entity, this Notice will be on the website.

    Effective Date: April 17, 2009

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of this practice’s Notice of Privacy Practices. I have been given the opportunity to ask any questions I may have regarding this Notice.

    Covid19 Informed Consent

    I understand I am giving this informed consent to NYC Oral Surgery Associates, P.C. (the “Practice”) evidencing my educated decision to receive services at the Practice prior to any vaccine or known effective treatment to the CoronaVirus-COVID-19. I have been advised that the Practice has adopted recommended protocols for the prevention of COVID-19 at its facility. I have been advised I can request additional information prior to signing this consent, and at any time thereafter, as to the specific protocols in place regarding the Practice response to COVID19.

    By signing below, I acknowledge my understanding that the COVID-19 virus has a long incubation period during which carriers of the virus may not show symptoms and may still be highly contagious. I understand the Practice will be treating patients other than myself at its facility, as well as employing personnel who may be asymptomatic or qualified as “recovered” in accordance with CDC guidelines. I understand that it is impossible to determine who has it and who does not, at any given time, even as testing becomes readily available. I understand it is my responsibility to notify the Practice if I am medically “high risk” for any reason.

    By signing below, I hereby agree to release the Practice, and its owners, members, officers, employees, contractors, agents, and representatives (“Practice Representatives”), and covenant not to commence or maintain any action or proceeding against Practice and Practice Representatives, for or from any and all claims, causes of action, liabilities, damages, fees (including attorney’s fees and costs of defense) and demands whatsoever, in law or equity (“Claims”), which I (and my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) shall or may have, or from any person or entity other than myself, for, upon, or by reason of my contracting COVID-19, including any claim resulting from my transmission of COVID-19 to any other person or thing. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Practice and Practice Representatives harmless from and against any and all Claims from or against any person or entity other than myself relating to my having or transmitting COVID-19.

    By signing below, I acknowledge I have read this Informed Consent and I hereby agree to its terms and I assume the risk of potential Covid-19 exposure by receiving treatment at the Practice.



















    Contestar "SI" a cualquiera de estas preguntas, indicara una discusion mas profunda con su dentista antes d poder proceder con un tratamiento electivo.